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MIGS Talks: Dr. Amin Sharifi Isaloo's Presentation Titled "Racism, xenophobia, and the rise of the far-right in Europe"

2023.10.25_Dr. Amin Sharifi Isaloo's Presentation Titled "Racism, xenophobia, and the rise of the far-right in Europe"

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Dr. Amin Sharifi Isaloo, who will visit our Sociology department within the scope of the Erasmus+ Bilateral Agreement between TEDU-UCC, will give a presentation titled “Racism, xenophobia, and the rise of the far-right in Europe” on October 25, 2023 at 18:30 at D226. We look forward to your participation.


MIGS Talks Dr. Amin Sharifi Isaloo's Presentation Titled Racism, xenophobia, and the rise of the far-right in Europe